Your donation will help equip the next generation to know truth, pursue goodness and create beauty, all for the cause of Christ.

$65K Matching Grant In July

Dear MAVEN Family,

Consider the kind of culture our kids, families and churches are having to navigate. It’s a world where…


We come alongside students, parents, youth workers, pastors, homeschoolers and Christian educators to equip them with a biblical worldview that addresses every square inch of culture. We don’t back down from any cultural topic or challenge but instead shine the bright light of God’s truth on a world filled with darkness. We do this through our:

  • VIRTUAL TRAINING: Our weekly podcast equips parents, pastors and educators with a robust Christian worldview that addresses all of the hard topics like porn, gender identity, sexuality, social media, entertainment, abortion and a host of other challenges. 
  • LIVE EVENTS: Our speakers travel across the United States, partnering with churches, camps and conferences to bring biblical truth to thousands of students and adults each year. Our MAVEN Conferences are growing across the country as well, spreading from California to Texas to Florida in 2024. 
  • IMMERSIVE EXPERIENCES: Our distinctive worldview missions trips provide hundreds of students and leaders in-depth worldview training and experience every year. It’s an utterly unique program unlike anything available for Christian students. 

But, none of this happens without the generous partnership of a community of serious and like-minded Christians who want to see kids, families and churches thrive amidst a chaotic culture. 

And that is why MAVEN needs your partnership now, more than ever. You and I have a special opportunity to DOUBLE THE IMPACT of our financial support. A group of generous donors has provided MAVEN with a $65,000 matching grant, to bolster our efforts in providing the kind of robust biblical training Christians desperately need for this cultural moment.

If you’ve been considering making a donation, there’s no better time than right now. Your generosity will go twice as far and enable us to equip more people with the truth, goodness and beauty of the Christian worldview. 

Join MAVEN in the fight for the hearts and minds of the next generation. DONATE TODAY AND DOUBLE YOUR IMPACT.

I thank God for you and the growing opportunities we have TOGETHER to raise up a new generation of Christians who can lovingly, intelligently AND courageously engage our chaotic culture for the cause of Christ. 

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Your financial partnership is important because MAVEN is a donor-supported ministry. MAVEN is a 501(c)3, so your gift is tax deductible as allowable by the IRS.