Your donation will help equip the next generation to know truth, pursue goodness and create beauty, all for the cause of Christ.

The culture is speaking to our kids, every single day. But the vast majority of these cultural conversation stands in stark opposition to the truth of God’s Word. So now, more than ever, we must redouble our efforts. We must never stop shining the bright light of God’s truth, goodness and beauty into an increasingly dark culture…for the sake of our kids…for the sake of the next generation.

That’s why MAVEN exists. Our mission is to help the next generation know truth, pursue goodness and create beauty, all for the cause of Christ, and to equip those who teach and train them—parents, youth workers, pastors and educators—to do the same.

When you support MAVEN, you are equipping thousands of believers by:

  1. Developing more VIRTUAL TRAINING resources like our comprehensive video courses and additional podcasts.

  2. Expanding and growing our MAVEN CONFERENCES in California, Texas and Indianapolis.

  3. Growing the amount of life-changing IMMERSIVE EXPERIENCE trips for middle school, high school and college students.

You are making a huge difference in the lives of thousands of children, students, parents, grandparents, educators and church leaders around the globe. Because of you, MAVEN is helping the next generation stand firm against the cultural challenges all around us.

Thanks to your generous partnership, MAVEN is equipping families and churches with biblical truth.


Monthly Partners are committed friends who give a recurring automatic gift to MAVEN. Automatic giving is convenient for you and allows MAVEN to plan more efficiently and effectively for the future, carrying those inevitable seasonal highs and lows in giving throughout the year.

To become a monthly partner, check the box under Donation Amount that says, “Make my gift monthly recurring.” For personal assistance, please email Lily Bond at

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